3DWorld (160/293)

From:Thomas Frieden
Date:22 Apr 2000 at 21:20:20
Subject:Re: Heretic II Demo Available


On Sat, 22 Apr 2000, Robert Kihl wrote:
> No I don=B4t think I have. The mesa demos works in 512x342, should Here=
> do to then?

Theoretically, yes. But tools like NewMode allow promotion on a per scree=
or per program basis.

> > Yes, there is a difference between the 604 and 603. The 604 boards ha=
ve 64
> > bit data bus, while the 603s have 32, which halves your memory bandwi=
> > And, IIRC, the 603 has only one integer unit, while the 604 has two.
> I see, is there speed difference between CVPPC and BVPPC also?

Don't know for sure. It may be a difference with the bus speed. The faste=
PPCs have 66 MHZ bus clock, while the slower ones have 50 MHz.=20

> Would HereticII run faster on a 603e/060 than a 603e/040?=20

I don't think so. Heretic 2 uses very little 68k code.

> > On the console, enter "gl_dither 0". But that won't make it faster. O=
> > ugly :/
> No it looks nicer :)

Well, in 16 bit, it's ok, but in 15, it's really ugly without. Funny what
this single green bit can do :)

> > You probably have an old monitor driver. Those have problems with V39
> > multibuffering...
> I installed the latest CGX update and the MESA demos runs much faster n=
> but I still get the flickering on every Warp3D program. Seams like it=B4=
s not
> doing a cls on one of the buffers. Anyone know how to fix this? =20

Please check the tooltypes of the monitor...


Thomas Frieden=20